About us
Address by the director
My kindest greetings to you all browsing through our www pages!
I am glad of your visit, though your intention might just be to satisfy your curiosity or wish to know us better. To start with, let me tell you where we are originating from, what we are and where we are going to.
We have been entrusted to continue the mission of the nestor of the Slovenian electric power engineers, Prof. Dr. Milan Vidmar. He was a contemporary of Nikola Tesla who quite early became aware of the mightiness and attractiveness of mechanical energy transformed into electricity. This is where our story begins. We are researching, technically controlling and practically employing achievements regarding methods as well as plants and facilities transforming all kinds of energy into electricity. Our commitment is to follow it throughout its whole life; from its birth in a power plant, its transmitting over transmission power lines and right to the point where it is distributed to various users. What we constantly think about and plan is the future. Our mission is to strive towards solutions allowing for a conformable living and co-existence of inhabitants of our planet - whose awareness that energy is a gift and absolutely not a weapon should be daily recalled - with anybody sharing this space and with everything that surrounds us. To achieve the goal, we carefully and thoroughly research all kinds of stress threatening our environment as a result of our (unfortunately too often irrational) use of energy.
Having adopted a most powerful and up-to-date professional approach, we are now able to understand and accept the mission of knowledge concentration as being currently needed for having under control the numerous issues regarding planning, development, building, commissioning, maintenance and decommissioning a series of facilities for electricity generation, transmission and distribution. Viewed from this perspective, our interesting and by all means highly demanding and challenging path steadily progresses further bringing to us an abundance of new and valuable challenges and recognitions.
I appreciate your visiting our www pages and sincerely hope that the given information will be of plenty of use to you at your work for which we hope will turn out to be successful. Moreover, I herewith wish to express that it will be my binding duty to do our best to contribute to your success at any occasion of our eventual mutual partnership.
Ph. D., Boris Žitnik