Media corner
Media corner
- Ob udarih strel smo najvarnejši v zaprtih prostorih, Goran Milev za
- Konec tedna v Sloveniji udarilo 54.000 strel, Goran Milev
- Udari strel so bolj pogosti v hišah kot v blokih, Klemen Jevnikar za
- Okoljski merilni sistem in Nina Miklavčič za oddajo Ugriznimo znanost (glej od 6:00 minute naprej) za
- Kako ravnati, ko se razbesni nebo - Klemen Jevnikar za
- Will Slovenia be able to achieve its e-mobility goals? - Mladen Iglič for Naš Stik (Page 50)
- The lightning "wants" to enter the earth quickly, therefore, it will strike in a higher object first - Goran Milev for
- Lightnings are striking from the sky - Klemen Jevnikar for
- Lightnings took our summer away - Goran Milev for
- The fatal strike - Expert's view on the lightning strike in Bled - Goran Milev for
- This was not a strike out of the blue - Goran Milev for Žurnal
- Slovenia - the land of lightnings - Goran Milev for 24ur, POP TV
- There are more than 45,000 lightning strikes in Slovenia per year - Klemen Jevnikar for Dnevnik
- Storms in Slovenia, Mag. Vladimir Djurica commented for RTV Slovenia: "The average storm in Slovenia encompasses three or four thousand strikes - cloud-earth strikes in one day. And also 15, 20 or even 20 thousand strikes in Slovenia can be recorded in one day." See more in TV Dnevnik news (from 14:28 min)
- Intervju z mag. Valenčičem v reviji Volkswagen - "Vožnja s čisto energijo? Velik izziv!"
- Extreme weather conditions - For the 24 ur news show, Goran Milev
- Dr. Boris Zitnik new mandate at the head of EIMV (Naš stik Journal), februar 2018.
- EIMV in international projects (Naš stik Journal), October 2017 (page 36)
- A lightning conductor is most effective against lightning strikes (Delo Newspaper), September 2017
- About dry storm and lightning (Zarja Magazine), July 2017
- EIMV hosted at Radio Maribor (show about lightning) (Radio Maribor), July 2017
- The programmable crystal high-resolution oscillator (Elektrotehniški vestnik), July 2017
- CIGRE CIRED 2017 (RTV tele-m), May 2017 (from 4:45 minute)
- Advice for cases of lightning strikes (RTV, 24ur, radio Koper), July 2016
Resonant Method
Energy and Power System Planning Department
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Electric Power System Control and Operation Department
High Voltage and Power Plants Department
High Voltage Laboratory (LVN)