
Working Meeting about the Challenges of Nuclear and Radiation Safety with the Main Topic Research and Development

7. Dec, 2018

On Thursday, 6 December 2018, a working meeting was held about the challenges of nuclear and radiation safety with the main topic Research and Development, organised by the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (URSJV). The event was dedicated to reviewing R&R projects in nuclear and radiation areas, implemented in research institutions in Slovenia.

A round table entitled "What research is needed for developing nuclear and radiation safety? What is our strategy?" was organised within the scope of the event. Round table speakers, led by Dr. Nadja Železnik, were Dr. Andrej Stritar (URSJV), Assist. Prof. Dr. Damijan Škrk (URSVS), Dr. Ivan Skubic (Science Directorate), Dr. Tomaž Žagar (GEN) and Prof. Dr. Leon Cizelj (IJS).

They made an agreement that a strategy of research and development needs in the nuclear and radiation fields should be prepared and priorities should be determined, including the review of the possibilities for systematic financing.

Detailed presentations are available here.

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