New method for testing and locating damage on various insulations
30. Apr, 2013New method for testing and locating damage on various insulations
At the High Department for High Voltage and Power Plants (OVNEL), the personnel introduced a new method for testing and locating damage on various insulations, which also refer to other fields of work besides electrical engineering, namely mechanical and building engineering. The method was successfully introduced at the beginning of this year and was intended for testing the insulation "from the external side" (in given case: steel wire insulation, otherwise testing the insulation of cisterns, pipelines, gas pipelines etc., where the internal – conducting side is grounded as opposed to the cases in electrical engineering).
The test is based on high voltage (0 to 50 kV) and high frequency (100 kHz), meaning that the insulation is not damaged, however, possible damage or abnormalities in insulation can be located.