
EIMV participation in the DUSE development-innovation project

05, Aug, 2024

The Milan Vidmar Electrical Institute participates in the research and innovation project Dynamic management of solar power plants to increase the share of solar power plants in the low-voltage network (DUSE), which is managed and coordinated by the distribution company Elektro Ljubljana. The project is qualified under the Research and Innovation (RI) scheme of the Energy Agency.
The goal of the DUSE project is to prove that dynamic adaptation of the production of solar power plants can lead to more efficient use of the low-voltage network and also enables a greater share of connected solar power plants on the distribution network. With the help of a system for the implementation of flexibility services in the distribution network and improved recognizability of the network, the project will show how to optimize the production of solar energy according to local network parameters, especially in parts of the network where connection would otherwise be impossible due to existing voltage conditions.
As part of the project, EIMV will prepare a proposal for the necessary changes to the rules for connecting solar power plants to the low-voltage distribution network, as well as proposals for changes to the rules for connecting and operating solar power plants within the framework of SONDSEE, with the aim of increasing the share of connected solar power plants in the existing network. The new methodology for connecting new solar power plants would take into account the possibility of adapting production to the current voltage conditions in the distribution network. With this new approach, we estimate that we will be able to achieve a much larger share of new solar power plants in the network with the least impact on the quality of supply parameters.
The technological solution will be based on the use of an advanced system for managing the distribution network - ADMS - and a condition evaluator to ensure better knowledge of the distribution network, and on the use of a system for implementing flexibility within the data national single entry point - EVT for the control of solar power plants.
The installation of new reference solar power plants and their connection to the grid are currently being completed. These power plants have already received consent for connection with the condition of dynamic management. On the basis of real-time measurements of SE production, indicators will be calculated to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. These indicators include an assessment of the increase in the total power of connected solar power plants on an individual low-voltage network, an assessment of the increase in annual electricity production from renewable sources on an individual low-voltage network, and an assessment of the impact of issuing approvals for the connection of new solar power plants. The project is expected to be completed at the end of this year.

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