
CIM User Group Meeting 2014

30. junij, 2014

V Oslu je od 17. do 20. junija potekala konferenca CIM User Group Meeting 2014 z delovnim naslovom »EU Network Codes: Meeting the Transmission and Distribution Challenge Using the CIM«, ki je obravnavala aktualne teme s področja splošnega informacijskega modela elektroenergetskega sistema (CIM - Common Information Model) in integracije sistemov. Na konferenci sta vodja oddelka za vodenje in delovanje EES Andrej Souvent in Nejc Petrovič iz Elektro Gorenjske predstavila rezultate projekta »Generic Strategy for Standards-based Systems Integration for Electric Distribution Utilities (GSSSI-EDU)«, ki smo ga izvedli v sodelovanju z EDF R&D v okviru projekta Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure (DERri).

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CIM User Group Meeting 2014

30. junij, 2014

CIM User Group Meeting 2014

The CIM User Group Meeting 2014 with the title »EU Network Codes: Meeting the Transmission and Distribution Challenge Using the CIM« was organised in Oslo from 17 to 20 June 2014. It discussed the current topics in the field of CIM – Common Information Model and system integration. Andrej Souvent from the EIMV and Nejc Petrovič from Elektro Gorenjska presented the results of the Generic Strategy for Standards-based Systems Integration for Electric Distribution Utilities (GSSSI-EDU) project which was implemented in cooperation with the EDF R&D within the scope of the Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure (DERri).

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