
19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering

12. september, 2015

V Pilsenu na Češkem je od 26. 8. do 31. 8. 2015 potekal mednarodni simpozij o visoki napetosti ISH 2015. Udeležilo se ga je približno 580 raziskovalcev iz 39 držav, ki delujejo v okviru inštitutov, univerz in industrije. Simpozij predstavlja enega najpomembnejših srečanj z vidika visokonapetostne tehnike na svetu in ponosni smo, da Slovenijo že od samega začetka zastopa Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar s svojimi znanstvenimi prispevki - letos so bili štirje. Prav tako pa nam je v ponos, da je prof. dr. Maks Babuder že od samega začetka član mednarodnega upravnega odbora ISH.

Simon Podkoritnik je v sklopu predstavitev avditoriju »Oral Session OA2: EMF Application« predstavil članek z naslovom »Analysis of the Impact of Reduction 400 kV Overhead Transmission Line Dimensions on the Transient Overvoltages” (soavtorja dr. Stane Vižintin in Boštjan Barl). Igor Rozman je v skupini “Poster Session PE1: OHL / CB Diagnosis“ predstavil članek “Evaluation of the Measures to Limit the Corona Noise Implemented on the 400 kV OTL Bericevo – Krsko” (soavtorji Miha Bečan, dr. Boris. Žitnik, Ivo Kobal in Borut Vertačnik). Vladimir Djurica je v skupini “Poster Session PC: HV Test & Measuring Technique” predstavil članek z naslovom “A Reference Testing Site for Evaluation of Dynamic Thermal Rating Algorithm Uncertanties in the Operation of Transmission Power Lines” (soavtorji Gašper Lakota, Miloš Maksič, Janko Kosmač in Jan Kostevc). Tim Gradnik pa je v isti skupini predstavil članek “Impact of optical fibre temperature sensors on dielectric withstand of oil channel in paperless winding insulation of power transformers” (soavtorji Juso Ikanovič, Blaž Janežič in Andrej Jurman).

Simpozij je osvetlil izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo raziskovalci na področjih visoke napetosti in omogočil izmenjavo znanj ter izkušenj, katerih imamo na inštitutu veliko in nas zato uvrščajo med vodilne svetovne znanstvene ustanove.

Iz Slovenije so se simpozija udeležili direktor EIMV dr. Boris Žitnik, prof. dr. Maks Babuder, mag. Marko Hrast, dr. Stane Vižintin, Borut Vertačnik, Vladimir Djurica, Igor Rozman, Tim Gradnik in Simon Podkoritnik.

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19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering

14. september, 2015

19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering

The 19the International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic, from 26 to 31 August 2015. It was attended by approximately 580 researchers from 39 countries who work within the scope of institutes, universities and the industry. The symposium is one of the most important meetings in the field of high voltage engineering in the world and we are proud that Slovenia has been represented since the beginning by the Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute with their scientific papers, four this year. We are also very proud that Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder has been the member of the international management board of the ISH since the beginning. 

In the scope of Oral Session OA2: EMF Application, Simon Podkoritnik presented his paper entitled Analysis of the Impact of Reduction 400 kV Overhead Transmission Line Dimensions on the Transient Overvoltages (co-authors Dr. Stane Vižintin and Boštjan Barl). In the group Poster Session PE1: OHL / CB Diagnosis, Igor Rozman presented his paper entitled Evaluation of the Measures to Limit the Corona Noise Implemented on the 400 kV OTL Bericevo – Krsko (co-authors Miha Bečan, Dr. Boris Žitnik, Ivo Kobal and Borut Vertačnik). In the group Poster Session PC: HV Test & Measuring Technique, Vladimir Djurica presented his paper entitled A Reference Testing Site for Evaluation of Dynamic Thermal Rating Algorithm Uncertainties in the Operation of Transmission Power Lines (co-authors Gašper Lakota, Miloš Maksič, Janko Kosmač and Jan Kostevc). Within the scope of the same group, Tim Gradnik presented his paper Impact of optical fibre temperature sensors on dielectric withstand of oil channel in paperless winding insulation of power transformers (co-authors Juso Ikanovič, Blaž Janežič and Andrej Jurman). 

The symposium highlighted the challends that researches face in the field of high voltage, and enabled the exchange of knowledge and experience. Our institute has quite extensive experience and expertise, therefore, we are ranked among the leading world scientific institutions. 

At the symposium, Slovenia was represented by the Director of EIMV, Dr. Boris Žitnik, Prof. Dr. Maks Babuder, Marko Hrast, MSc, Dr. Stane Vižintin, Borut Vertačnik, Vladimir Djurica, Igor Rozman, Tim Gradnik and Simon Podkoritnik. 

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